Trigger Points
Trigger points are the focal areas where energy can become obstructed, creating neuromuscular problems and pain. Janet Truvell, M.D. discovered the neuromuscular trigger points in the 1950’s and 60’s through muscle origin and insertion. According to Dr. Truvell, President John F. Kennedy’s physician, most of these trigger points are the same points as acupressure and acupuncture points.
Taking advantage of the ancient roots of acupressure therapy can enhance trigger point therapy for relieving referred and muscular pain. The comprehensive principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the ancient healing techniques of acupressure and acupuncture for relieving pain are based on energy pathways called meridians. An acupressure point in one part of the body can send a healing message to other body parts through meridian pathways. Just as blood vessels nourish the body physically, meridians circulate healing energy to all systems of the body. Applying pressure on acupressure points, triggers the flow of energy through the meridian pathway, and benefits the area at a distance from the point’s location.
Integrating acupressure therapy with trigger points relieves pain, trauma, hundreds of common complaints, and can be used to maintain good health. By relaxing the body and relieving stress, acupressure and trigger points strengthen resistance to disease and promote wellness.
Tension tends to concentrate around the trigger and acupressure points. When a muscle is chronically tense or in spasm, the muscle fibers contract. As an acupressure point is held, the muscle tension yields to the finger pressure, enabling the fibers to elongate, blood to flow freely, and toxins to be released and eliminated. Increased circulation also brings more oxygen and other nutrients to affected areas. When the blood and bioelectrical energy circulate properly, the body has a greater sense of well-being.
Chinese massage (called Tuina or Tui Na) and acupressure techniques effectively stimulate trigger points. Varying rhythms, pressures, and massage techniques create different styles of acupressure, just as different forms of music use the same notes but combine them in distinctive ways. Pressing with an intermittent, fast beat is stimulating; a slower, gradual pressure held longer, creates a deeply relaxing effect on the body.
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