Saturday, September 15, 2007

Reflexology & Acupressure

Reflexology & Acupressure

Reflexology points on the hands and feet stimulate the nerve endings, which send healing messages to all parts of the body via neurological pathways. Acupressure points have similar comprehensive benefits, which stem from balancing the body’s life energy through a system of meridian pathways. This healing energy (known as Chi, Qi, or Ki) functions to nourish all parts and systems of the body. When Reflexology and Acupressure are used together, the energy released joins forces to heal the body, thus increased effectiveness results. The integration of Reflexology and Acupressure therapy creates a more efficient, holistic healing practice.There are many ways to combine Reflexology and Acupressure for enhancing Reflexology’s superb health benefits. When a Reflexologist combines Acupressure points and techniques, a powerful level of healing occurs. If a client has difficulty digesting certain foods, for instance, holding the stomach Reflexology point on the foot with one hand and working on the stomach meridian points with the other hand, will increase the effectiveness. Another approach is to work on a pair of constricted meridians; then ground the client with foot Reflexology points toward the end of the treatment, to further balance the body. Since Reflexology and Acupressure are compatible and complimentary systems, exciting results take place.To learn Acupressure and Reflexology points, their location and applications with traditional Chinese health therapies, study at the Acupressure Institute. Start with the Basic Training including Reflexology, and then choose a focused specialization, such as a Pain Management or Stress Management 200-hour program.You can take the 200-hour programs in a 30-day Intensive Training. Get started learning acupressure now, with a discounted Home Study Acupressure Package consisting of a book, CD, video, flashcards, and a laminated chart of the points.


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