Let us talk about tennis first. Although in the tennis the back, arms, legs and ankles can all be injured, the elbow is the most likely target for the trouble. Tennis elbow can develop in anyone playing the game because of the severe strain put on the elbow in serving and placing the ball. It must be kept in mind that the tennis racket is an extension of the forearm, and the combination acts as a lever arm for which the elbow is the fulcrum. If a ball traveling rapidly toward the player is struck with the racket, the entire force is transmitted to the elbow. That is bad enough, but is missed by the rapidly traveling racket.
Whenever the player feels a strain on his elbow while playing, he should massage and place pressure on the acupuncture sites of the elbow each time the ball becomes dead. If he does this he may prevent tennis elbow from occurring either if it has already occurring or is a chronic problem with him. The procedure is mandatory while he is playing if he wants to minimize trouble.
Tennis elbow
The hand on the non affected side must grasp the affected elbow and the index finger placed over elbow point1(Fig 3) and the thumb over elbow point 4 (fig 4) The elbow may be either held straight out or bent. As much pressure as can reasonably be applied for 10-15 seconds plus rotary massage is used. One point at a time may be stimulated, if desired.

Fig 3 (Elbow point 3)
(Large intestine 11): Located at the depression of the end of the fold which appears when the elbow is bent 90 degree and raised to horizontal position. The end of the crease is which the point is located.
Fig 4(Elbow point 4)
(Heart 3): Located on the indentation near the inside elbow fold next to the tendon on the inside of the upper arm; the end of the crease is where the elbow point is located.
Rotary massaging also can be used to see if it gives added relief. When longer period are available, longer time, five or ten minutes session for example , should be employed. If the elbow begins to feel better, tapering off the treatment can be done, but it must be re-instituted the moment a strain again is felt on the elbow.
Fig 5 (Elbow point 2)
(Lung 5): Located in the elbow fold, on the radial side of the biceps. The point is on the elbow crease at the outside (lateral) portion of the tendon. See also Fig 87. The other important and useful points elbow 2 and 3 (fig. 5 and fig. 6) are on each side of the insertion of the tendon. The points may be pressured simultaneously or individually. Whichever works best for the patient.
Another point, elbow point 5 (fig 7), is useful, to be used either individually or in the conjunction with the previously described sites. It must be emphasized and re-emphasized that in order to get relief from these troublesome aliments, effort must be applied. Repeated applications of pressure with or without massage (whichever affords the most relief)
Fig. 6 (Elbow point 3)
(Pericardium 3) : Located by bending the elbow part way and located the biceps tendon, which is the thick band you feel in the middle of the front of the elbow. The point lies under the elbow crease at the inside (medial) portion of the tendon must be done. When you are sitting watching television or while at the movies or riding a bus or any activity that does not required both hands, you should apply the treatment intermittently, reasonable often.
The reward will be great in case with restoration of the affected part either to complete health or at least with an excellent chance to have a much more bearable infirmity. Once maximum relief has been obtained, occasional pressure will keep the part in optimum repair and possibly reduce its susceptibility to re-injury.
Fig. 7 (Elbow point 5)
(Tripple Burner 10) : Located by bending the elbow and feeling for the depression two fingerbreadths above the point of the elbow on the back side. Point is located in the centre of the depression.