Nose bleeds (epistaxis)
Many times an accidental bumping or blow to the bridge of the nose causes bleeding. This occurs because one of the fragile blood vessels in the nasal mucous membrane breaks. This minor type of problem responds quickly to treatment and is of little medical significance. Nosebleeds, however, can occur spontaneously, sometimes due to high blood pressure, nasal allergies, and/or excessive sneezing. Some people also get nose bleeds after eating certain foods such as chocolate, or drinking beverages which contain caffeine. These substances and foods high in phos¬phorus cause the blood vessels to expand and burst so that the nose bleeds. People who have frequent nosebleeds may have polypsgrowths within the nose.
The sufferer should sit up straight with the head held forwards. While breathing through the opened mouth, grasp the soft part of the nose between the fingers and thumb to close the nostrils down onto the septum the fleshy divider between the two halves of the nose. This pressure should be held until the bleeding stops. After the bleeding stops, do not squeeze the nose again or blow it for at least forty-eight hours.
The receiver should be seated. Have the receiver look up. With the side of the hand hit the back of the neck below the skull. Continue this gentle striking for a few minutes.

Then, the giver stands to the side and places one hand on the forehead to stabilize it. The other hand is placed on the back of the neck. With the thumb, treat the medulla oblongata point at the base of the skull in the center of the neck. Have the receiver breathe in a full breath as you do the same. On an ex¬halation, gently rock the head back onto the thumb and hold for 3 seconds. Repeat this 5-7 times. This pressure stimulates the medulla oblongata to cause constriction in the blood vessels within the nose.
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