Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Urinary System Kidney/Urinary Bladder and Acupressure

Urinary System

Kidney/Urinary Bladder

inability to hold urine (incontinence)
bedwetting (enuresis)
kidney stone

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, which secrete urine; the ureters, the passages through which urine travels from the kidney to the bladder; the urinary bladder, which acts as a reser­voir; and the urethra, the passage tube through which urine flows from the bladder to outside of the body.

The kidneys regulate water balance. They also regulate the concentration of salts in the blood, as well as the excretion of waste products and any excess salts.

The volume of urine passed each day varies with the volume of fluid drunk, but about one to two quarts is average. Volume of urine passed increases when excess protein is taken, in order to pro­vide the fluid necessary to carry urea (a waste product from protein digestion) away in a solution. That is why doctors instruct those on a diet high in meat, eggs, and cheese to drink "plenty of fluids." Normal urine is a light color, like light beer, and is slightly acid (pH 6). Normally we should pass urine four to five times per day-more often depletes the body of minerals.

The most common kidney ailment which is surgically treat­ed is kidney (renal) stones. The formation of stones in the kidney can cause great damage. They can also be formed in the bladder or may pass from the kidney to the bladder. As the bladder contracts to pass urine, the stone is pressed against the bladder wall causing in­tense pain. Infection can result from this condition, as well as the

inability to hold urine. Excruciating pain and blood in the urine are signs of stones. Their removal does not guarantee a cure, accord­ing to medical sources. However it will deal with the immediate pain. Preventive diet is the only way to reduce the risks of recurrence.

Urinary stones usually form as a re­sult of abnormally high levels of calcium or metabolism problems. The combination of high calcium dairy products and certain veg­etables such as spinach, chard, and tomato (high in oxalic acid) acts to form calcium ox-alates, the most common materials found in stones.

In the case of kidney stone and infec­tion, prevention via diet is important. It is possible for small stones to dissolve and pass out of the body; however, some large stones can form in irregular shapes within the kid­ney. These irregular shaped stones will not pass and, if they are painful, must be removed. A prudent macrobio­tic diet will lessen the formation of all stones.


For all kidney disorders, including swelling, water reten­tion, inability to hold and pass urine, and bedwetting, shiatsu thera­py can stimulate the system to function more efficiently.
Have the receiver lie face down. Stand over the person and ask him or her to breath in and out, as you do the same. On each ex­halation press the area near the spine from T^-Le with the thumbs. Press and hold the acupoints that make the two parallel lines of the urinary bladder channel. Press these acupoints several times.

Use barefoot shiatsu and walk on the soles of the inturned feet with your feet. Press the hips, upper thighs, and calves with the foot. Do the leg stretches. (See leg part of com­plete shiatsu section.)

Have the receiver turn over and lie face up. Massage the toes and press the bot­toms of the feet with your thumb. Press around the ankles thoroughly. (See page 91, leg section in shiatsu section.)


Use moxibustion on several acupoints.
This stimulates the bladder and the kidney. Warm each acupoint for 2-5 minutes.
UB 23, UB 57, KD 3, ST 36


Our daily diet should supply enough calcium as well as other minerals and vitamins. However, some peo­ple receive more than enough and, with the addition of certain vegetables or because of some metabolic abnormalities, kidney or bladder stones form. In addition to a stan­dard macrobiotic diet, shiitake mushrooms and radish (especially daikon radish) can be eaten to dissolve stones and clean the blood so as to prevent future formations. Meat and dairy products produce uric acid during di­gestion; this acid is associated with stone for­mation. It is best to avoid these foods.


Acupressure and kidney stone, acupressure and urinary infection, acupressure and urinary infection, acupressure and gallbladder, galbladder infection and acupressure, treatment for urinary infection and acupressure, acupressure and bed wetting, acupressure and inability to hold urine


Very beneficial information given. Such post keep us updated about health related solutions. If you want to know more.You can visit kidney cleanse diet

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