Monday, October 15, 2007

Acupressure and Anemia

Small Intestine

Inability to assimilate nourishment from food anemia

The functions of the small intestine are digestion and absorp­tion of the liquid contents from the stomach. These contents are al­kaline. Just before entering the small intestine two important di­gestive juices are added. They are bile from the liver (which is alkaline and neutralizes the acid contents from the stomach as well as digests and breaks down fat particles into smaller parts) and pancreatic juice which comes from the pancreas. This juice acts on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food. It too is alkaline.

The absorption of digested food takes place entirely in the small intestine through the capillary vessels and the lymphatics found on the surface of the small intestine walls. These products are carried by the portal vein to the liver, where more changes take place.


A complete shiatsu treatment will enhance the functions of the digestive organs. The stimulus of shiatsu encourages movement and promotes the elimination of intestinal stagnation. Abdominal
shiatsu is appropriate. (See pages 103-105, shiatsu section.)

Ginger Compress

Hot compresses placed directly on the abdomen over the um­bilicus promote nutrient absorption. Do the compress treatment for 15-20 minutes. Repeat everyday for 2 weeks. Rest one week, then re­peat for another 2 weeks.


The macrobiotic diet with its high vitamin and mineral con­tent promotes positive bacteria growth inside the intestines. Antibiotics, sugars, and other refined foods destroy the beneficial bacteria necessary for proper absorption.

The inclusion of fermented foods such as miso, pickles, and natural whole grain sourdough bread will furnish positive bacteria sources. Small portions of seaweed supply minerals necessary to keep the small intestine alkaline.

Properly functioning spleen, small intestine, and bone mar­row insure enough red blood cell production. Therefore clean intes­tines (cleansed daily by the fiber in whole grains) are essential so that the food nutrients can enter the body to keep systems working. The sweet taste of cooked carrots, parsnips, and onions affect the spleen to make quality red blood cells. This is your protection against anemia.

To treat anemia include miso soup daily. Cooked green leafy vegetables should be included also. The table seasoning Tekka can be used—1 teaspoon/day.

Anemia has been studied using garlic as the treatment. In one study, after eight weeks of treatment with garlic extract or cooked garlic, there was substancial improvement in the hemoglobin content of the red blood cell.

Many times the anemia connected with cancer is caused by the toxins of the cancer. In this case charcoal can be taken to remove the toxins. Take one tablespoon of charcoal mixed with 4-6 ounces of water, 3 times each day. Charcoal can be purchased at natural foods stores or you can make your own by charring any vegetable food and pulverizing it. The pits of the salted plum (umeboshi) have traditionally been used for this purpose.


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