Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reproductive System

Reproductive System

The development of the reproductive organs is interesting. Early in embryonic development, germ cells of the testis in the male and of the ovary in the female appear. Sex therefore is determined from the very earliest days but sex characteristics cannot be recog­nized. At adolescence, these germ cells develop along with the changes which determine the sex qualities and characteristics of the male and female. The female reproductive organs are located in the pelvic region inside the body while the male organs are found mainly outside the pelvis.

The whole reproductive system goes through several changes in a lifetime. The first major change is puberty. This appears at ten to fourteen years and, in girls, is marked by the beginning of men­struation. The uterus and vagina enlarge, while the breasts enlarge with increase of fat and blood vessels. Later the secondary sexual characteristics appear. The curves of the body develop and fat tissue rounds off the contours of her limbs, with the appearance of hair in the underarm and pubic regions. The pelvis also widens. There are further important changes that take place as the girl matures men­tally and emotionally through adolescence to womanhood.

In boys, puberty is a little later. It is characterized by deepen­ing of the voice, enlargement of the sex organs, and the appearance of body and facial hair.
Further changes happen at the menopause period of a woman's life which occurs at about forty-five to fifty years of age, but may be earlier or later. Menstruation ceases. The ovaries become smaller and their secretions cease.



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