Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Varicose veins

Varicose veins

Veins contain non-return valves which allow blood to flow only toward the heart, while the veins themselves are compressed by the contraction of the muscles with each movement of the limb. In this way, blood is forced to move. When the blood passes a valve, it cannot return; more muscle contractions will then force it further up the vein.

When this valve system becomes defective, the veins of the lower part of the leg become swollen by the pressure of the column of blood in the veins higher up the leg. This swelling causes the veins to become larger and knotted. This condition is called varicose veins.
Varicose veins are a relatively common condition. They can be painless or they can cause aching, swelling, eczema, and ulcera-tion as they become distended, enlarged, and twisted.


Put seasalt in the palm of your wet hand. Strongly rub damp salt directly on protruding veins. After this treatment, pat the legs very well with the flat palm of the hand, then wash off saltiness.


Shiatsu on the legs and feet will increase circulation and sup¬ply the compression that is necessary to force the blood in the veins to move. Full body shiatsu helps strengthen the whole body,


Movement of any type is recommended, especially walking. Usually varicose veins are more of a problem for those who are not active.

Hot/Cold Compress

Apply a hot compress first for two minutes followed by a cold compress for a couple of minutes. Repeat tbe alternation of the hot/ cold compresses several times ending with a cold compress.


Expansive foods such as sugar, fruit juice, chemical addi­tives, and excessive liquids contribute to the expansion of the veins. Avoid such foods and add mineral rich foods such as seaweed, green leafy vegetables, and root crops (turnip, carrot, radish, ruta­baga, burdock).

Hot/Cold Compress

Apply a hot compress first for two minutes followed by a cold compress for a couple of minutes. Repeat tbe alternation of the hot/ cold compresses several times ending with a cold compress.


Expansive foods such as sugar, fruit juice, chemical addi­tives, and excessive liquids contribute to the expansion of the veins. Avoid such foods and add mineral rich foods such as seaweed, green leafy vegetables, and root crops (turnip, carrot, radish, ruta­baga, burdock).


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