Ankle foot point 1 fig. 34 is a very important point for ankle injuries, ankle edema, and arthritis. Its usually , will be able to be pressed fairly hard and can stand rotation in the case of ankle injuries since the most painful part of most ankle injuries are not at its proximity, if it is the only point that can be pressed and massaged, it is well worth while.
Ankle Injuries, Ankle Edema and Arthritis
Ankle-foot point 2 fig. 35 is another point that has great use in ankle infirmities. Unfortunately , it more frequently overlies a very tender point and must be pressed with care. Rotational massage can also be useful here if carefully initiated. Increasing the pressure if one is able to stand it.
Fig. 36 ankle-foot point 3 and the following one, ankle-foot point 4 fig 37 , can overlie tender parts of the foot when injured or ailing. These two points also have other uses in the acupuncture spectrum, which will be indicated later.
Ankle foot point 1 fig. 34 is a very important point for ankle injuries, ankle edema, and arthritis. Its usually , will be able to be pressed fairly hard and can stand rotation in the case of ankle injuries since the most painful part of most ankle injuries are not at its proximity, if it is the only point that can be pressed and massaged, it is well worth while.
Ankle Injuries, Ankle Edema and Arthritis
Ankle-foot point 2 fig. 35 is another point that has great use in ankle infirmities. Unfortunately , it more frequently overlies a very tender point and must be pressed with care. Rotational massage can also be useful here if carefully initiated. Increasing the pressure if one is able to stand it.
Fig. 36 ankle-foot point 3 and the following one, ankle-foot point 4 fig 37 , can overlie tender parts of the foot when injured or ailing. These two points also have other uses in the acupuncture spectrum, which will be indicated later.
Fig. 34
Ankle-foot point 1
Stomach 41
Located in the centre of the ankle crease as one flexes his ankle.
Fig. 35
Ankle-foot point 2
Spleen 5
Located directly in front of lowest level of the medial malleolus or the middle ankle bone, the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the inner aspect.
Fig. 36
Ankle-foot point 3
Kidney 6
Located one finger tip below the medical malleolus or the middle ankle bone, the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the inner of the two ankle-foot point, point 3 has a great use in the area of foot and ankle injuries, but ankle-foot point 4 which lies opposite to ankle-foot point 5 can be grasped along with ankle-foot point 5 index finger on one and thumb on the other, and this area frequently is not a tender area.
Fig. 37
Ankle-foot point 4
Kidney 3
Located in the depression in back of the medial malleolus, the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the inner aspect.
Fig. 38, previously shown as a back injury aid, ankle-foot point 5 is an important point in ankle injury as was said on the previous page, is often not in itself injured or a least not tender in ankle injuries. Firm pressure can frequently be applied.
Ankle-foot point 6 fig 39 is a unique point in which three of the Chinese meridians cross. So in actuality it overlies 3 acupuncture sites, or in other words, it is three points in one. Needless to say it has many uses, one of which is an aid to ankle injuries; since it is remote to the ankle it has the double advantage of usually being able to take firm pressure.
Fig. 38
Ankle-foot point 5
Bladder 60
Located in the depression in back of the lateral malleolus, the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the outer aspect. See also fig 15 and rotation. The point in the same position on the opposite side lateral or outside of ankle can be grasped and pressured simultaneously with ankle-foot point 6, if desired and if it proves helpful.
Fig. 39
Ankle-foot point 6
Spleen 6
Located four finger breadths above the medical malleolus or the inner rounded ankle bone at the middle of the inside aspects of the leg. Another easy way of locating this point is of flex the patients foot and put his four fingers on the inside of his leg with the little finger resting on top of the ankle bone and the other fingers going up the leg. Where the fourth finger lies , behind the shinbone, is spleen 6. see also figs. 58, 72 & 81
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